Oquirrh Mountain Water Company

Excellence on Tap

​​(801) 508-0397


To receive a building permit from Tooele County, Oquirrh Mountain Water Company (“OMWC”) will issue a letter a Will Serve letter to the Tooele County Building Department specifying OMWC’s intent and ability to deliver water service to the residential or commercial project. Please contact general manager, Keith Fryer at kfryer@LPID.us once the following has been completed:

a. Water Share. You must present a valid OMWC water share, or other acceptable evidence, showing your ownership of OMWC water rights attached to your building lot or project.

b. Fees. On the date of issuance of the aforementioned Will Serve letter to the Tooele County Building Department, the project owner or his/her representative is required to pay the following fees:

Residential Connection Fee - $1,045.00 (for 5/8” meter) to $1,245.00 (for 1” meter). This fee is for equipment, installation and administration.

Inspection Backflow Deposit, Refundable - $500 This inspection deposit is to ensure that the project owner/contractor calls for inspections and that all work is done to OMWC specifications, including the installation of the sprinkling and irrigation system (where applicable). The need for OMWC to re-inspect completed work may be cause for the forfeiture of the inspection deposit.

Stock Transfer Fee - $60.00. This administrative fee is charged when Class B water shares are transferred from a current Shareholder to a new Shareholder vis-a-vi a transfer of property ownership.

c. Application for Water Service. This application must be completed, signed by the owner of the OMWC water share and returned to OMWC prior to final processing. It specifies the water shares purchased, fees paid and a commitment to pay all assessments and to abide by all current rules and regulations of OMWC.


General Assessments at the connected rate will begin on the date of Closing or title transfer of the property. The General Assessment is an activated rate and represents water storage for fire protection, maintenance of OMWC’s water right and the general operation and maintenance of the OMWC water system. It is very likely that you will receive your first quarterly assessment before actually using any water.  See Our Rates.


OMWC will provide, as part of the connection fee, a meter box for access to the curb stop (shut off valve) and a water meter with a remote readout. The project owner/contractor is responsible for installing the meter box, curb stop and yoke. Installation instructions are included in the connection packet. OMWC will install the water meter and remote readout device.


The following inspections will be required as work progresses:

a. Tap to Main Water Line. This is required in some areas of the system where laterals from a main water line to a property line do not exist. In this event, it is the responsibility of the project owner/contractor to locate and tap a main water line. OMWC will assist in identifying a main water line and must inspect and be present when the tap occurs. Failure to comply could result in severe damage to the water system and to public and private property and result in the imposition of heavy liability costs on the project owner/contractor.

b. Lateral Inspection. This is required at the time the project owner/contractor connects to the water supply lateral. OMWC will provide a water meter package as described in subparagraph c. below. The water supply line from the yoke (located within the meter box) to the home/business is the property and responsibility of the project owner. It shall be of flexible type “K” copper or HDPE tubing plastic. If HDPE plastic is used, a tracer wire must be installed with the HDPE plastic line. The trench shall be a minimum of forty-two inches (42") in depth to protect from frost. In addition, the water supply line shall be bedded with small size gravel to protect the water supply line from damage. The meter box must be extended, where necessary, to allow for finish grade and for landscaping. Be aware that most meter boxes have a built-in telescope of approximately fifteen inches. NOTICE - It is the express responsibility of the project owner/contractor to physically protect the meter box during construction and to maintain a positive location so it can be found in the event it is damaged, buried or covered with earth, construction materials or snow. Those who fail to do so and require the assistance of OMWC to locate a lost or damaged meter box, will be charged time and materials plus a 15% mark-up fee.

c. Water Meter Package. OMWC will provide a meter box (to be installed by the project owner/contractor) and water meter with a remote readout device which shall be installed by OMWC. Remember!!! All water used inside the home/business or for outdoor landscaping (where applicable) must be metered!!! Water for outdoor sprinkling and irrigation systems (where applicable) must be plumbed behind the meter and not connected directly to the incoming water supply line. All other water service lines must be plumbed behind the meter as well. Any service line installed before the meter must be removed before the refundable inspection deposit will be released. Because the water meter and remote readout are designed for use with a remote interrogator, it is absolutely necessary to call for an inspection of the meter box, curb stop and yoke to avoid unnecessary and expensive relocation costs. See connection packet for instructions.

d. Final Inspection and Water Meter Installation. Prior to setting the water meter, OMWC will inspect the irrigation tee to the outside of the home/business and the meter box (with curb stop and yoke). A map of the property, which includes the location of the meter box and the remote readout will be made at this time and kept on file.


Both the final inspection of the completed homeowner’s water system backflow device and inspection of the completed sprinkling and irrigation system (where applicable) must be approved by OMWC and any applicable charges and fees must be paid before the inspection deposit is refunded. If a change of ownership occurs between the final inspection and the outdoor sprinkling and irrigation system inspection, OMWC will release the inspection deposit to the original owner only after a new inspection deposit has been collected from the new owner. All refunds are made to the party who paid the deposit.   How to get my deposit refund.


Water shares on the OMWC water system are designated as 1.00, 0.65, 0.55 or 0.45 acre feet except in the instance of commercial developments. As an example, 1.0 acre feet allows for the use of 325,851 gallons of water annually, 0.65 acre feet allows for the use of 211,803 gallons, 0.55 acre feet allows for the use of 178,218 gallons of water annually and 0.45 acre feet allows for the use of 146,633 gallons annually. Should a Shareholder exceed their allocation, the Shareholder will be assessed at four times the normal consumptive rate. Should such excessive usage continue, OMWC has the right to discontinue any and all of the Shareholder’s water service. Meters are read at the end of March and again at the end of September. In most cases, excess use of water is a result of outdoor use or leaks. Please call for assistance in monitoring water use and for suggestions for landscaping techniques.


General assessments are billed quarterly. In the event that a Shareholder has exceeded his/her water share, the overage fee will be charged with the first quarter billing.  For billing questions contact nthomas@OMWC.us


Use of water from fire hydrants is prohibited without the express approval of OMWC. Damage to the hydrant will be the responsibility of the project owner/contractor. Some construction projects will have an OMWC hydrant meter or system control valve on the property. It is the responsibility of the project owner/contractor to be particularly careful to protect these devices from damage.

Annual Water Quality Reports

New Connections