Oquirrh Mountain Water Company
(801) 508-0397
Oquirrh Mountain Water Company (“OMWC”) is a Utah non-profit, mutual corporation owned by its Shareholders. It is governed by an elected Board of Trustees which hires a staff to operate and maintain the OMWC water system. Currently the operations and maintenance of the OMWC are contracted out to the Lake Point Improvement District, the local provider of sanitary sewerage in the Lake Point area.
Presently, the water sources that supply the OMWC water system are from three wells: The Hole-in-the-Rock well, Connor well and Big Canyon well. As yet, no treatment is required, although chlorination is added as a safeguard. Storage for fire protection and reserve is accomplished with a buried concrete storage tank totaling 1,000,000 gallons above the Hole-in-the-Rock well. To add greater protection and stability, additional sources and storage are planned for the future on an “as-needed” basis.
All water delivered to homes and businesses is metered, including water used outside for sprinkling and irrigation (where applicable). Water provided to a Shareholder’s resident or business is controlled by a curb stop (shut off valve) located between the water main and the home/business. Water meters are located, along with the curb stop, within a meter box with a remote readout mounted on top of the box for convenience in reading the meter.
The water meter and remote readout, curb stop and meter box are owned and maintained by OMWC. Shareholders must allow access to this equipment and are responsible to protect it from loss or damage. Shareholders own and are responsible for all other equipment, including the outgoing water lateral from the yoke (located within the meter box) to the home/business. The Shareholder is also responsible for all of the water that passes through the water meter.
Each Shareholder has a specified water usage. The water share purchased determines how much water can be used for the home/business. For example, one (1.00) acre foot equals 325,851 gallons per year; 0.65-acre feet equals 211,803 gallons per year; 0.55-acre feet equals 179,218 gallons per year; and 0.45-acre feet equals 146,633 gallons per year.
General Assessments are billed quarterly at a flat rate, based on the amount of water share and the location of the service on the OMWC water system. Arrangements can be made for semiannual or annual payments. Water meters are read twice a year, the end of March and the end of September. Shareholders who exceed their water shares are charged a substantially higher rate for the excess water used. This annual overage fee, if any, is added to the first quarter billing. Quarterly assessments are due thirty (30) days from the beginning of each new quarter. Payments not received will be assessed a $25.00 late fee and assessed interest charges. View our Rates.
Class B Stock Certificates of OMWC run with (i.e., are appurtenant to) the property they are attached to (the property they provide water to). In other words, when a Shareholder sells his/her residence or business, the Shareholder’s OMWC stock certificate is automatically transferred (see Exhibit “A” for Stock Transfer Fee amount) to the buyer of the Shareholder’s residence or business. The ownership of the Shareholder’s OMWC stock certificate cannot be separated from the ownership of the Shareholder’s residence or business. Upon the sale of a Shareholder’s residence or business, the Shareholder is required to notify OMWC of the name of the new owner of the Shareholder’s residence or business within thirty (30) days of the date of the transfer of the property. If OMWC does not receive such notice, OMWC shall have the right, but not the obligation, to automatically transfer the Shareholder’s water right to the new owner of record of the Shareholder’s residence or business. Until such transfer is made, the Shareholder of record will remain responsible for any financial or other obligations related to the Shareholder’s OMWC stock certificate.
To protect new owners on the OMWC water system, the Board of Trustees requires that property that is changing ownership must be in compliance with all current rules and regulations of OMWC. This means the meter box must be accessible and operable; the water meter, a remote readout, and a pressure reducing valve must be properly installed and operational; and the outside sprinkling and irrigation system (where applicable) must be metered. OMWC will perform an inspection prior to closing to determine compliance. In the event the repairs or alterations to the Shareholder’s water system cannot be achieved due to weather or other mitigating circumstances, a fee, as determined by OMWC, will be collected to assure the necessary changes are completed at a later date.
Shareholders are invited to attend the Annual Shareholder Meeting held in March of each year.
It is the responsibility of each Shareholder to ensure their water usage remains within the confines of their water share. Overuse is almost always a result of excessive sprinkling and irrigating outdoors (where applicable). Occasionally, a leak in your water system will contribute to overuse. OMWC can show you how to monitor your usage. OMWC also has information available to help with your individual conservation efforts, both inside and outside your home/business.
Shareholders, please contact us to request a pdf copy of Company Resolutions, Articles of Incorporation, By Laws or past Meeting Minutes.
Copyright © Oquirrh Mountain Water Company. All rights reserved.